Feature suggestion - marking posts containing images (General)

by erikp, Saturday, March 08, 2008, 02:47 (5892 days ago)


People often post images in forums and it would be nice if these posts were easy to spot. One way to solve this is if the subject somehow were marked if the text contained images.

An easy way to implement this is to just add a string at the end of the subject when an img-tag is found in the text.

Thus, if the post contains an image, a string, for example " [pic]", will be added to the end of the subject. If the post does not contain an image "[pic]" will be removed from the end of the subject (if is ending with [pic] ofcourse).

When replying to a message, with a subject marked with the string, the string is removed. This is to make it easy for the user to change the subject whithout having to think of the mark string.
To avoid the risk of getting two such string markings the mark string is removed from the ending of the subject before checking if the text contains an image.
This makes the process transparent.

1) Remove the mark string from the end of the subject on the reply pages
2) Remove the mark string from the end of the subject before checking the reply for images and before storing the reply.
3) If the reply contains images, add the mark string to the end of the subject before storing the reply.

This is a small change to the code, and I have a patch that does the above. It stores the mark string in the settings database table, and the string is thus changable by any admin. If the string is "" there is no change to the function of the forum compared with the unpatched version. Because of the implementation, the mark string should however not be changed to often, since when changed it will not remove the old marks from subject in replies, will not change the string on already marked subjects etc.

Is this a feature that you would like? If so, you can post me and I will send you the patch!
Is this a feature that should be included in the main release?



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