Can The MLF v1.7 Default Category Be Modified? (General)
Is there a way to change the default category from "All Categories" to a specific category in MLF v1.7?
by lmoore, (6420 days ago)
edited by lmoore,
Is there a way to change the default category from "All Categories" to a specific category in MLF v1.7?
by Willy , (6420 days ago) @ lmoore
You can change your index.php
Ther are several links to forum.php in your index.php
Try to change forum.php to forum.php?category=1.
Backup your index.php and check it out.
by Larry , (6420 days ago) @ Willy
Thanks, that did switch the default category when I logged in as Admin. However, when I created a test account and logged in using, "All Categories" is still being shown as the default category.
by Willy
, Niederrhein ;), (6420 days ago) @ Larry
when reading index.php there are several links to forum.php
Try to understand under which conditions (logged in / nor logged in and so on) which link is used. Then you have to change the entries for all conditions you want to redirect.
But always remember:
1. backup
2. backup
3. you know what? ;)
Regards, Willy
by lmoore, (6420 days ago) @ Willy
Again, thanks for your help. I went back and edited "index.php" and changed "location: board.php" to "location: board.php?category=3" and that will now display the default category that I want users to see when they logon.
With this change users will not be seeing board threads at all when they logon. They will only see the 3 posts that I have made in the new default category and can only access other threads by selecting "All Categories" or individual categories. Hopefully, when I start adding my members to the forum this will make it less confusing...
by tooky, (6418 days ago) @ lmoore
why wouldnt you want to work with the newer an safer 2.0 version?
by Willy
, Niederrhein ;), (6418 days ago) @ tooky
one issue could be the better performance of 1.7 with large DB
by tooky, (6417 days ago) @ Willy
It's better for a large DB?
by Willy
, (6417 days ago) @ tooky
At first is it still a Beta.
I do not use a Beta in productive systems.
And yes - my last Test with 2.0 Beta 11 was signifficant slower with 450.000 Postings and 230 User in DB.
Regards, Willy