
Where to begin... (General)

by Micha ⌂, Sunday, January 29, 2023, 10:47 (545 days ago) @ Cleo


I have no idea how to edit a site such as this, aside from the CSS.

Please note, the template uses the compressed version of the CSS file.

I understand the particular format relates to a template engine called Smarty - I am not experienced with, or familiar with this. I know how to edit HTML well

If you are familiar with HTML, it is quite easy. Just open one of the template files e.g. the main.tpl. It is a HTML file with some specific Smarty code. For instance, the second line reads:

<html lang="{#language#}" dir="{#dir#}">

This line will be compiled to, for instance,

<html lang="de" dir="ltr">

The variables #language# and #dir# depend on your forum settings and relates to Smarty variables.

I wanted to change something simple like change 'New topic' to 'Post topic'

This is not a HTML or template issue. If you like to modify the labels, please take a look to the lang folder and edit the corresponding file.


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