
User setting for open links (General)

by Auge ⌂, Wednesday, August 10, 2022, 02:54 (761 days ago) @ holger


I setup a standard registered user to my site.

var user_settings is still missing.

So not a question of user type.

No, it isn't. As far as the user type is set (not NULL/inexistent), the setting is read from the userdata. When you say, you changed the setting, we can assume, that the userdata table contains the column to store the information. If and when the scripts includes/entry.inc.php, includes/thread.inc.php and includes/thread_linear.inc.php as well as js/main.js and js/main.min.js are from the correct MLF-version, the setting will be read and will be injected into index.php?mode=js_defaults. If and when JS is enabled in your browser, the attribute should be generated.

I tried to create a user account in your testing forum (at kigges.hwolf.de). I was able to activate the account with the link from the e-mail (after correcting the URL). But it is necessary to get the account unlocked by an admin or mod. The username is FCU-Symphatisant.

I don't know, if I will be able to see, what happens but it is an attempt to have a look into the functions, that are accessible only for registered user.

Tschö, Auge

Trenne niemals Müll, denn er hat nur eine Silbe!

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