Backup to big? (Technics)

by Nico Hoffmann @, (1980 days ago)


I make sometimes backups from my forum. For several years, all was fine.
Now, it seems that the entries backup is grown too big. I get following error message:

Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 262656000) (tried to allocate 393216 bytes) in /.../forum/includes/classes/Backup.class.php on line 36

Some weeks ago I had the same problem. I contacted my provider, and I was told to write "memory_limit=512M" to ".user.ini". I did that, and it worked. The backup of the entries was +160MB in size. That's a usual size for my case, not really more than some weeks ago.

I also created a phpinfo.php and I could see a change of memory_limit from 256M to 512M. Everything seemed fine.

Now, I got this error again. memory_limit is still 512M. I tried 768M (and saw 768M in phpinfo), but i get still this error.

The entries increase very slowly, I would not more than 170M expect for a backup of all entries.

I run MLF 2.4.20. Any hints?

Nico Hoffmann

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