Request : Sorting of Table View headers (General)

by Fibonacci, Saturday, February 02, 2019, 02:22 (1962 days ago)

i am new to MLF and apologise if these features already exist somehow.

Is it possible in tableview to sort by the headers.

Sort by page views
Sort by Replies
Sort by Author
Sort by Date

This would be a nice feature

Thank You


Request : Sorting of Table View headers

by Auge ⌂, Sunday, February 03, 2019, 12:46 (1960 days ago) @ Fibonacci

i am new to MLF and apologise if these features already exist somehow.

Is it possible in tableview to sort by the headers.

Sort by page views
Sort by Replies
Sort by Author
Sort by Date

I expected it to be implemented by Alex ages ago (I for myself do not use the table view) because the user list is sortable (IMHO since ever). As I see now, one can not sort the thread list table.

But I do not understand why one want to sort the list by page views, (number of?) replies or the authors names (the last would be a candidate for a filter to show only thread by author X). Only the date seems to be a candidate for a sorting function but at that point we have to decide to sort it by the creation time of the thread (why?) or the time of the last reply (what is not subject of the column "date").

Tschö, Auge

Trenne niemals Müll, denn er hat nur eine Silbe!

Request : Sorting of Table View headers

by Fibonacci, Monday, February 04, 2019, 02:05 (1960 days ago) @ Auge

But I do not understand why one want to sort the list by page views, (number of?) replies or the authors names (the last would be a candidate for a filter to show only thread by author X). Only the date seems to be a candidate for a sorting function but at that point we have to decide to sort it by the creation time of the thread (why?) or the time of the last reply (what is not subject of the column "date").

Tschö, Auge

Thank You Auge,

In table view it is very nice to sort which topics have most views
or which topics have most replies.

However i see that Alfie has developed some nice feature which shows forum statistics.

See link from Alfie's page. Forum Statistics

I am not sure if this is something Alfie developed in his theme or it is already a feature that exist in MLF.



Request : Sorting of Table View headers

by Auge ⌂, Monday, February 04, 2019, 07:22 (1959 days ago) @ Fibonacci


In table view it is very nice to sort which topics have most views
or which topics have most replies.

As you said. I asked, why one wants to weight the threads accordingly to number of views or replies. What is the outcome?

However i see that Alfie has developed some nice feature which shows forum statistics.

See link from Alfie's page. Forum Statistics

I am not sure if this is something Alfie developed in his theme or it is already a feature that exist in MLF.

This is a development by Alfie and it's not part of MLF. Additionally he developed it for MLF 1.8 and not for the MLF-2-branch. Maybe he want's to share his code so one can adapt it to MLF 2.x.

Tschö, Auge

Trenne niemals Müll, denn er hat nur eine Silbe!

Request : Sorting of Table View headers

by Fibonacci, Monday, February 04, 2019, 07:43 (1959 days ago) @ Auge

As you said. I asked, why one wants to weight the threads accordingly to number of views or replies. What is the outcome?

Thanks Auge,

The reason for me personally is to allow for analysis such as:

1. Which posts have most views to determine popularity and turning into a separate page or category

2. Which posts have most replies same as above but also to maybe clean redundant useless replies.

3. Which posts has little views and or little replies to allow for deletion or clean up.

The above is mainly for review and maintenance of forum.

Also as a reader i assume one would like to know which topics are popular so i can read them to see what or why they are popular in views or replies.

Again i apologies if i seem over zealous with MLF. It is because i am long time user of forums since late 90's and i always wish to have threaded like view of forum from the old 90's and now by accident i found MLF and am a little excited by it.



Request : Sorting of Table View headers

by Alfie ⌂, Vienna, Austria, Wednesday, February 06, 2019, 12:27 (1957 days ago) @ Fibonacci
edited by Alfie, Wednesday, February 06, 2019, 16:58

Hi Fibonacci,

[…] why one wants to weight the threads accordingly to number of views or replies.

The reason for me personally is to allow for analysis such as:

1. Which posts have most views to determine popularity and turning into a separate page or category

At the bottom of my forum you can see that at any given time most visitors are search engine’s bots. Don’t ask me for the code, tricky. ;-) Since bots index the entire forum, the number of views does not represent popularity but age. See f.i. the currently last page in my forum where every post got thousands of views. If one would be able to sort by the views one would mainly get uninteresting & likely hopelessly outdated stuff.
Another example: If have a post ▼ Read before registering ▼ pinned on top of the main page. It gives potential users some information (links to procedures, technical stuff, [image]). Of course is has to be in a public category. Since it’s on top of the page it got 51,000+ “views”. I guess that in my scientific field <5,000 people are active and not all of them are interested in exchanging ideas in a forum. Hence, these views came from silicon based life-forms. :-D

2. Which posts have most replies same as above but also to maybe clean redundant useless replies.

IMHO, sorting by the number of replies might be a good idea. It may give a visitor an idea which threads are at least controversial (not necessarily important).

3. Which posts has little views and or little replies to allow for deletion or clean up.

As above (if the number of replies are concerned).

The above is mainly for review and maintenance of forum.

I would never delete any post if it got no reply (yet). In my experience sometimes users dig out rather old stuff – which brings the thread to the main page anyway. I never delete a post unless it is clearly spam or violates the forum’s policy. Rule: There are no stupid questions, only stupid answers.

Also as a reader i assume one would like to know which topics are popular so i can read them to see what or why they are popular in views or replies.

As above. On the other hand, sometimes even a single answer is sufficient.
I would say: Lot of replies = controversial issue, few replies = easy stuff. However, the latter might still be important and very helpful as well.

Again i apologies if i seem over zealous with MLF.

No worries.

[…] by accident i found MLF and am a little excited by it.

So am I.

Alfie (Helmut Schütz)
BEBA-Forum (v1.8β)


Request : Sorting of Table View headers

by macadoum ⌂, Lyon, France, Monday, February 11, 2019, 21:02 (1952 days ago) @ Auge

the date seems to be a candidate for a sorting function but at that point we have to decide to sort it by the creation time of the thread (why?) or the time of the last reply (what is not subject of the column "date").

I would like a function to order thread by last reply with the table view. I think this THE function I need to definitively adopt MLF as my forum engine :-)


Request : Sorting of Table View headers

by Micha ⌂, Tuesday, February 12, 2019, 09:06 (1951 days ago) @ macadoum


I would like a function to order thread by last reply with the table view. I think this THE function I need to definitively adopt MLF as my forum engine :-)

This feature is already implemented, i.e. thread_order=1 vs. thread_order=0, isn't it?


-- - OpenSource Least-Squares Adjustment Software for Geodetic Sciences


Request : Sorting of Table View headers

by Auge ⌂, Tuesday, February 12, 2019, 09:49 (1951 days ago) @ Micha


I would like a function to order thread by last reply with the table view. I think this THE function I need to definitively adopt MLF as my forum engine :-)

This feature is already implemented, i.e. thread_order=1 vs. thread_order=0, isn't it?

Yes, it is. It's (only) implemented in the subnavigation bar of the main views. I read the question/wish as "want to sort it in the table headers" like in the user tables. This function is not available in the tabled main view.

But such sorting functions have further implications. When I use the user list table in the admin area to sort the users with the criterium registration time or last login, the first click onto the header sorts the list the wrong way (ASC). I need a second click to bring the list in the wished order. <irony>:angry:</irony> :-)

And furthermore a few of the wished sortings make IMHO - as stated before - no sense.

Tschö, Auge

Trenne niemals Müll, denn er hat nur eine Silbe!


Request : Sorting of Table View headers

by macadoum ⌂, Lyon, France, Tuesday, February 12, 2019, 12:01 (1951 days ago) @ Auge

Sorry, I wasn't clear at all.

What I would like is to use the table view/fold thread/order by last reply and to see the date of the last reply in the date column not (as actually) the date of the thread creation.
Is there already a way to do that ?


Request : Sorting of Table View headers

by Auge ⌂, Tuesday, February 12, 2019, 12:31 (1951 days ago) @ macadoum


Now it is much more clear to me, what you want to achieve.

What I would like is to use the table view/fold thread/order by last reply and to see the date of the last reply in the date column not (as actually) the date of the thread creation.
Is there already a way to do that ?

These are two functions, one independent from the other.

1. The sorting function in the submenu. It does, what Micha said. One can sort the thread list by date of the opening posting or by date of the last reply.
2. The column date in the thread list table. It currently shows the date of the opening posting. Yes, this is debatable because a thread can get replies years after its creation and (my assumption) noone is interested in the timestamp of the opening posting on the first look but probably in the timestamp of the latest reply.

At that point we have to decide, if we show the date of the opening posting or of the latest reply. But this decision would be a generally decision and not one that ios dependent from the result of a completely independent user activity.

Tschö, Auge

Trenne niemals Müll, denn er hat nur eine Silbe!

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