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> Hello > > > Before upgrading, I made a full copy of our forum and DB. I then performed the upgrade on the copied forum, and ran into the Style challenge mentioned above. I confirmed that the CSS and TPL files in that upgraded forum folder were copied correctly, and did not make any changes after the upgrade, but the old forum styles persisted. > > > > The key to all this is actually the Admin / Forum Settings / Forum Address (URL) option. When I originally copied the forum, I did not make any adjustments within Settings, so Forum Address was still pointing to the (original) production forum, which had our existing style changes. And, as I found out, Style information is pulled from the URL specified in Forum Address, and does not use a relative path to the current forum folder. > > Yes, the link to the CSS-file is given as an absolute URL. I don't know, why Alex decided so, but this behaviour is really "old". > > [code=html]<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://mylittleforum.net/forum/themes/default/style.min.css" media="all" />[/code] > > Generally it would be no problem to change this behaviour. In [link=https://github.com/My-Little-Forum/mylittleforum/blob/20240827.1/themes/default/main.tpl#L15]line #15 of the main template[/link] one can see, that the first part of the URL ([inlinecode]{$FORUM_ADDRESS}/[/inlinecode]) can simply be removed. > > [code=html]<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{$FORUM_ADDRESS}/{$THEMES_DIR}/{$theme}/style.min.css" media="all" />[/code] > > This would result in a relative and functioning path. > > [code=html]<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="themes/default/style.min.css" media="all" />[/code] > > As far as I know, the index.php, which is built from the main template, is the base for all pages with exception of the JS-popups, which has their own document-complete HTML-templates. So I expect this to work. But this will not prevent issues with the browser caching and the prerendered templates after an upgrade. > > Tschö, Auge
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