
Tja, there was initially no interest in co-operation (Development)

by Auge ⌂, Monday, March 18, 2024, 08:12 (59 days ago) @ Auge

[edit]: Was: "Tja, there is obviously no interest in co-operation 😒"


After nearly eight days without any response, I can't help but realise, that there seems to be no interest in co-operation to bring the project out of the current crisis. I hoped, that a few members of the small audience are willing to support especially the development of the new upgrade script because this is the stopping point for every further change. I asked the audience outside the development team, because Micha as the other active team member is currently not available to help.

There's no space for straight development of new features without a working upgrade script. Because the upgrade script was broken in the past, I have asked for input from other people in the hope, that they will find possible existing errors, that I have overlooked. This was to prevent to switch from one broken state to another one.

That said, I will commit the rework of the upgrade script, independent from possible existing hidden faults. We'll have to wait for response in form of error reports to learn about possible existing errors.

Tschö, Auge

Trenne niemals Müll, denn er hat nur eine Silbe!

development, testing, upgrade

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