
User registration - questions (General)

by Auge ⌂, Thursday, October 27, 2016, 14:18 (2737 days ago) @ glorifyday


User registration:
self but new accounts have to be unlocked by an admin or a moderator

I switched this option on and asked someone to create a test user, say Test_User.

The user got such an e-mail

Forum registration
Hi Test_User,
welcome to the forum!

To activate your account please follow this link:

Ok, that's new. The user shouldn't get an email with an activation link. At least an activation should not be successful this way.

On the other hand, I didn't get any e-mail.

If you are an admin, go to your personal settings, point "E-mail notification" and activate at least "once a new user has signed up". You'll get an email in the future, when a visitor registers him-/herself.

When I logged in as an admin, I didn't have any easily visible notification of the fact, either, Only when I got into "Users", I found out that one of them is locked.

Point taken. See issue #62.

Then I unlocked the test user and he did not receive any e-mail notification about it.

We are aware of this misbehaviour. We had a thread about it in German language a few months ago and a fix for the next version. See admin.inc.php, line #863 ff.

Should the process really look this way?

No it shouldn't and it won't in future versions.

Tschö, Auge

Trenne niemals Müll, denn er hat nur eine Silbe!

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