Mobile responsive template now available (General)

by needhelp2, Tuesday, June 28, 2016, 03:05 (2856 days ago)

This is not perfect and still requires a lot of tweaks and adjustments, but if you want to see a rough Mylittleforum template that is mobile responsive, try here with your mobile phone

Go to hairsite dot com and click TALK at the navigation menu across the top, there's where mylittleforum is located.

Or you can click here to access directly, (sorry, the forum doesn't allow me to post link so I have to type it like this)

hairsite dot com / hair-loss / default-view-forum dot html

Although this version of the mobile responsive template is nowhere near perfect, it is better than having to scroll left and right all time.

It's a starting point, can some developers build on this template to make it better?

This is at least a step in the right direction.

Would appreciate any comments or feedback as to how this can be made better.

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