
Some data (Design/Themes)

by Alfie ⌂, Vienna, Austria, Tuesday, December 16, 2014, 14:46 (3418 days ago) @ Auge
edited by Alfie, Tuesday, December 16, 2014, 15:11

Hi Auge,

We (in my company) need (virtual) XP-installations too. […] We cound have iOS apps and other "crap" but not a new version that runs on a newer Windows. Unfortunately we are dependant to this program. :angry:

Sounds familiar. :-D

BTW, I love open-source software. We recently published two papers comparing different software packages used in the evaluation of clinical studies (doi 10.1208/s12248-014-9661-0, doi 10.1208/s12248-014-9704-6). It turned that the results of a particular type of study (in ~30–40% of cases) obtained in one of the commercial (!) software packages were simply wrong. [image]The bug was known to the company before 2000 (!), a corrective patch ready, but the management didn’t consider it “top priority” – it was never rolled out. Now thousands of studies worldwide are recalculated.
The open-source software (R) worked perfectly.

We could abandon the classes for stripe coloured table rows. We could abandon the colour gradient graphics. We should consider the use of HTML5 instead XHTML1. With CSS and JS (HTML5-shiv) older browsers can use the unknown elements. We could use wide supported HTML5 form field types (Fallback is type "text"). ...


There are a great many number of devices with smaller viewport than desktops browsers outside. Users have to touch the links to reach the next site. These are very small what causes a nightmare of zooming or a "Friemelei" [1].

Absolutely. In order to deal with this issue HTML5 is the only reasonable way to go. My personal translation for [1]: “fumbling around” (I use this phrase regularly).

Let's summarise:
- IE 6, 7 and 8: 15.3% (Windows XP)
- IE 9, 10 and 11: 6.811% (Windows Vista or newer)
- 22.111% with IE, the rest comes with Chrome, Firefox etc.

The latter mentioned browsers have auto-update-functions [2] and most of the installations should be somewhat up to date. Many of the CSS3-features are available with IE 9 or 10 and newer. If an user with an older IE can't see a gradient or table rows with different backgroud colours should not affect us. There are non-gradient background colours present for the site at all and possible for tables and other elements.

Agree again.

Alfie (Helmut Schütz)
BEBA-Forum (v1.8β)

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