Are there people here who will assist for $$$ (General)

by littlemac, Wednesday, July 21, 2010, 01:39 (5034 days ago)

I like MLF very much and want to use it. I think I can handle much of it but if I get in trouble I need assistance and am willing to pay. Is that kinda how it works?

I mean, for all the power of this thing "forums", and especially the "threaded" forum that is so informationally "dense", you'd think the Internet would be paved with things like MLF. Then I actually come across MLF and there doesn't seem to be a lot of "how to".

Is it that forums are just really kinda "simple" and they just look daunting, or is it something else? Frankly, I can't figure out why the "flat" format is such a hit, except that you can apply a lot of skins with their pretty colors and Hollywood like FX. Go figure, I can't! I mean, do people want info or circus? don't answer that!

Anyway, If you can help via email or chat let me know & how much you'll charge. I'm at: - Thanks/mac

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