Captcha settings: Session time outs (General)

by Naved @, Dubai, Tuesday, April 20, 2010, 13:29 (5141 days ago) @ Alfie

Thanks Alfie,

Actually I have been using the forum for over 5 years now... don't think that version had the captcha feature that time... In any case, my forum is heavily customized.

My problem is that when I tried to insert the captcha externally, all kinds of problems started:

1) Google came up with Malware Warning for my forum.

2) Admin / Users keep getting logged out (I suspect that might be a problem with my server settings though. When it comes, it comes from all sides, doesn't it!!!!)

3) I am unable to log into admin despite ignoring the Malware warning.

As this is a forum that I am using as a Classified board, it is quite popular with visitors to my site. Need HELP to get out of this mess. If you can email me on your id then we can chat on yahoo or gtalk... My handle on yahoo! messenger is: navedhasan

Appreciate your help and concern.

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