
This feature is not implemented (General)

by Alfie ⌂, Vienna, Austria, Monday, June 15, 2009, 15:55 (5436 days ago) @ Littob
edited by Alfie, Tuesday, June 16, 2009, 08:23

Hi Littob!

I want to change the password of one user. Unfortunately i can't do so. Is there a way to edit passwortds of users?

I don't get your point. Actually it’s not possible – but anyhow, if you would be able to change the password the user has no access to the forum any more. If you want to block him/her, this feature is available.

By the way, can i at least see the passwords of the users?

Only if you ‘speak’ MySQL. The encrypted password is stored in the database – of course not as plain text. This would be a severe security issue.

Alfie (Helmut Schütz)
BEBA-Forum (v1.8β)

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