2.0.2 Username with ÅÄÖ doesn't work (General)

by Göran B, Wednesday, February 25, 2009, 17:18 (5533 days ago) @ Mattias

Regarding character set mismatches, there are some comments on this page that could be helpful:


Also, the entire chapter 9.1 is about character set support. One thing that might be the issue is that character set info can be set both in the server, the database, a table, or a table field, not to mention the connection.

I know... Been working with Oracle for the last 19 years :-)

I fixed my problem by a change in login.inc.php.
I replaced a part of a statement with the old code from Beta 25..

The best solution would be to convert my database into the right charset . but I don't have the knowledge and time...

   // $result = 
WHERE lower(user_name) = '".mysql_real_escape_string(my_strtolower($request_username, $lang['charset']))."'", $connid) or raise_error('database_error',mysql_error());
    // Replaced by:
    $result = 
WHERE lower(user_name) = '".mysql_real_escape_string(strtolower($request_username))."'", $connid) or raise_error('database_error',mysql_error());

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