The patch file (General)

by erikp, Wednesday, March 12, 2008, 11:14 (5888 days ago) @ erikp

As I wrote in my post, you can get the patch, together with a "prepatched", and install instructions from

For you who don't want to download it, I'll post the patch and the php-script that adds some settings to the settings table in the database (se my former post).

The patch (I don't know if it will survive the forum processing):

/*===================== START - CUT HERE ===================================*/
--- 2008-03-06 23:05:19.000000000 +0100
+++     2008-03-09 17:48:21.000000000 +0100
@@ -237,7 +237,21 @@
+// Added - removes ending
+if ( isset($settings['picstring_add']) && $settings['picstring_add'] 
+  && isset($settings['picstring']) && isset($settings['picstring_plural']) ) {
+       $headline = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($field['subject']));
+       $picstring[0] = $settings['picstring'];
+       $picstring[1] = $settings['picstring_plural'];
+       $pic_pattern = "/s*[s*d*s*(" . escapeshellcmd($picstring[0]) . "|" . escapeshellcmd($picstring[1]) . ")s*]s*$/i";
+       $headline = preg_replace($pic_pattern, "", $headline);
+       $smarty->assign('subject', $headline);
+else {
            $text = stripslashes($field['text']);
            $text = quote_reply($text);
@@ -331,6 +345,19 @@
    if(isset($_POST['email_notification'])) $email_notification = intval($_POST['email_notification']); else $email_notification=0;;
    if(isset($_POST['subject'])) $subject = trim($_POST['subject']);
    if(isset($_POST['text'])) $text = trim($_POST['text']);
+// Ok lets add stuff to the subject in case of img tag in posting...
+if ( isset($subject) && isset($text) && isset($settings['picstring_add']) && $settings['picstring_add'] 
+        && isset($settings['picstring']) && isset($settings['picstring_plural']) ) {
+       $picstring[0] = $settings['picstring'];
+       $picstring[1] = $settings['picstring_plural'];
+       $pic_pattern = "/s*[s*d*s*(" . escapeshellcmd($picstring[0]) . "|" . escapeshellcmd($picstring[1]) . ")s*]s*$/i";
+       $subject = preg_replace($pic_pattern, "", $subject);
+       if ( $nbr = preg_match_all("/[img]/i", $text, $foo) ) $subject = $subject . " [$nbr " . $picstring[$nbr > 1] . "]";
    if(isset($_POST['setcookie'])) $setcookie = trim($_POST['setcookie']); else $setcookie=0;
    if(isset($_POST['sticky']) && $_POST['sticky']==1 && isset($_SESSION[$settings['session_prefix'].'user_type']) && ($_SESSION[$settings['session_prefix'].'use
r_type']>0)) $sticky=1; else $sticky=0;
    if(isset($_POST['terms_of_use_agree']) && $_POST['terms_of_use_agree']==1) $terms_of_use_agree=1; else $terms_of_use_agree=0;
=========================== END - CUT HERE ===============================
And the php script that adds some settings to the database:
=========================== START ========================
define('IN_INDEX', TRUE);
$connid = connect_db($db_settings['host'], $db_settings['user'], $db_settings['password'], $db_settings['database']);
mysql_query('insert into ' . $db_settings['settings_table'] . ' values("picstring", "picture")', $connid);
mysql_query('insert into ' . $db_settings['settings_table'] . ' values("picstring_plural", "pictures")', $connid);
mysql_query('insert into ' . $db_settings['settings_table'] . ' values("picstring_add", "1")', $connid);
The database has been updated.<br/><br/>
But check it.<br/><br/>
Log in as admin<br/>
On Admin -> Forum settings -> Advanced settings there should be:<br/>
<li>picstring - the mark if there is only one picture. This is set to "picture" as default</li>
<li>picstring_plural - the mark if there is more than one picture in the post. Default is "pictures"</li>
<li>picstring_add - If the function is activated or not. Set to 1, that is activated, as default. Set to 0 to deactivate. </li>
Important: Run this file ONLY ONCE and the REMOVE THE FILE from the server.
/*====================== STOP ============================*/



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