
Unsatisfactory detection of spam postings (Technics)

by Auge ⌂, Friday, December 08, 2017, 10:40 (2321 days ago) @ Micha


I would expect to spot the message as spam automatically when sending it because of the similarity to the known spam messages and not, that a moderator/admin has to mark it every single annoying time again as spam.

The option report (and delete) spam sends the message to one of the services (and delete the message). These spam-messages are some kind of training data but we have no influence of the decision of new postings and, thus, spam is not marked automatically.

I know that, but I don't understand why it's not classified as spam. Since more than one year we encounter at an average of two to six spam messages of this kind per week. I mark every single of these postings as spam when I get them. I assume, that also you and Alfie mark these postings as spam and I assume, this forum is not the only site, where these spam messages occure.

If these messages were signalled as spam to Akismet or SFS one time after the other (what I assume), it is unintelligible for me, why they are not detected automatically.

No one is bound to create accounts and/or keys of these services.

To use Akismet, you need a key; Stop Forum Spam is limited to the number of requests; ...

Do you know the situation in case of Bad Behavior? Seems to be a local based solution.

Does anyone of you maintain a badword and/or IP filter list?


Do you have the impression that it improves the spam prevention rate?

Is there anything we can do (not only for this forum)? Anything, that's simple to use. Anything, that we can put in more than only the admins hands.

Enable the list for moderators, too. ;-)

That's an intentionally good idea. But that means to open (parts of) the admin area to the moderators, which is actually not the case.

Tschö, Auge

Trenne niemals Müll, denn er hat nur eine Silbe!

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